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 Helena Indian Alliance

Keeping Our Community Strong

Our Mission 

The Helena Indian Alliance exists to advocate for and to responsibly serve the mental, physical, spiritual, and social welfare of the Native American population and the Helena community.




Helena Indian Alliance's Commitment to Health:

We are a Federally Qualified Health Center providing primary care and mental health services for the entire Helena community. We are an Urban Indian Health Center. 

At Helena Indian Alliance, you’ll find affordable, quality care, regardless of enrollment in a federally recognized tribe. Helena Indian Alliance is open to all.

We are Your Medical Clinic & Health Care Center in Helena, MT

Our state-of-the-art medical clinic and health care center in Helena, MT is a beacon of comprehensive healthcare. Offering an array of services from primary medical care to specialized behavioral and mental health support, we are dedicated to catering to the diverse healthcare needs of our community. Whether you’re looking for a doctor for primary health care or an inclusive center to manage your mental health needs , you can count on us to provide comprehensive medical care and unwavering support to individuals and families seeking to prioritize their health and well-being.

Delivering Holistic Care

Our medical clinic and health care center takes a holistic approach to healthcare, understanding the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our team of experienced medical professionals, including primary care physicians, mental health counselors, and specialists in behavioral health care in Helena, MT, collaborate seamlessly to provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient. At our facility, we prioritize not only the treatment of illnesses but also the promotion of overall wellness. Through preventive care initiatives, health education programs, and ongoing support, we empower individuals to take control of their health and lead fulfilling lives.

Accessible and Compassionate Care

Accessibility and compassion are the cornerstones of our healthcare approach. We understand the importance of timely access to quality medical services and offer flexible scheduling options and telehealth services. Moreover, our team at Helena Indian Alliance is committed to fostering a supportive and empathetic environment where patients feel heard, valued, and respected throughout their healthcare journey. For more information, please call us at (406) 449-5796

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